Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Escape being ordinary......

Today is my first post, and boy do I have butterflies!! I have been talking about this for a long time but just didn't do it.  Isn't that what we do with lots of things in our lives?  We have great intentions, but then we just don't have great follow through.  As we get to know each other, you will get to know me and see the things I am taking from ordinary to fabulous.  My life has been filled with those type moments......I have learned to enjoy the ride and know that God has a great plan for me!  I can't write this post without telling you that today was also my first day of Exercise Boot Camp, and I left the class feeling quite less than ordinary (more like completely out of shape ordinary) but if I "stick like glue" with this boot camp, guess what.....I 'll feel fabulous!  So folks, I have a room packed full of furniture finds, thrift store gems and garage sale goodies calling out to me to make them FABULOUS!